ANGELA BEAUMONT. Cosmetic Designer. ITEC, MR.DIP, NCCA for semi permanent make up & bodyart. Advanced Skin Therapist.
I am a fully qualified beauty therapist and Cosmetic Designer with over 11 years experience. After graduating from the internationally renowned Mary Reid Institute of Beauty in 2003 I went onto gain experience at the famous 5 star Hotel & Country club Gleneagles in Perthshire. After realising the benefits of Semi Permanent Make-up I set about researching many companies over a period of 10mths before finally deciding which one was good enough to train me. Semi permanent makeup is a highly responsible treatment
so for my own peace of mind & the well being of my prospective clients I
could only afford to train with the best.
Initially I worked as a freelance Semi Permanent Make-up Technician and offered my services through high profile salons across Scotland. I understand the needs of today's women and with that in mind I can save you time and effort. My objective is to help you to make the best of yourself and to enhance your own natural beauty. I can even up your eyebrows, create eyebrows where there are none, emphasize your eyes, make eyelashes appear thicker and give shape and definition to your lips. Having developed the latest technique Microbrow Embroidery I can create the finest of hairstrokes to mimic the natural brow hair for the most realistic effect.
Semi permanent make up is a treatment whereby hypoallergenic pigments are implanted under the skin using state of the art digital equipment manufactured by the world
leaders in semi permanent cosmetics. This treatment is often referred to as permanent make up, micropigmentation or Cosmetic tattooing. The pigments used are of Pharmaceutical grade and
manufactured under the strict European ISO 90011 and are certified
under EN46001 (European medical standard). Sterilized encapsulated
cartridges are used to protect from cross contamination.